Wednesday, August 12, 2009

It needs to be said...

Ok. I'll admit it. One of my more glaring intense faults is the ease with which I let friendships go. I have the worst "Staying In Touch" skills of anyone I've ever met. When you combine my intense dislike for talking on the phone with having the kind of personality that makes friends quickly, I'll move and before I know it three months has gone by and I haven't picked up the phone to call someone who I used to consider a close friend.

This being said - it's only fair to point out the fact that it takes TWO people to make a friendship endure a distance and because I'm willing to own up to my poor communication skills, I frequently get the blame when a friend and I lose touch. I'm effing sick of it. The next time someone gets an attitude with me for "not staying in touch" or "being too busy" when they haven't made the effort to pick up the phone in 6 months either I am going to unleash verbal fire and brimstone upon them. It's the equivalent of copping an attitude with your car for dying when you didn't bother to fill the gas tank in 2 months. UGH. I'm so over being the bad guy in these situations.

That is all...